Dinosaurs are one of the oldest groups of creatures that inhabited the planet. Using modern technologies for data analysis, people have learned not only to establish the period of residence of the fossil and to simulate the appearance, but also the approximate age and behavior of a particular individual.
You need to understand that all the data about dinosaurs, their features and life are just theories put forward on the basis of the study of the bones found, and more than once they have been refuted, completely opposite ones have been put forward.
The first finds of dinosaurs
At the beginning of the 19th century, archaeologists in Brazil found the remains of a creature that was not like any species living on the planet. Having determined that the bones discovered were very ancient, people quickly realized that they were in front of a representative of an unknown group of animals that existed millions of years ago, long before the advent of mankind.
Interesting fact: At the moment, the most ancient dinosaurs are considered stavricosaurs, living about 228 million years ago.
It is worth noting that dinosaurs were far from the first creatures that inhabited the Earth. Before them, there were already various reptiles that lived on the planet about 300 million years ago. However, due to the sharp warming, many species became extinct, and the survivors began to evolve and adapt to the changing environment. So the distant ancestors of dinosaurs began to appear.Their remains are also found around the globe, but little is known about the characteristics of these creatures.
As for dinosaurs, to date, their bones have already been found in all parts of the world. Moreover, given the features of the species inhabiting the planet at that time, it can be concluded that at that time the climate on the planet in different parts was approximately the same. But about 60 million years ago there was a cataclysm that changed the climatic conditions on the planet. Until now, scientists adhere to the theory that a meteorite fell in the region of Mexico, which increased the average temperature of the planet by 26 degrees, which launched the process of gradual extinction of many species.
Interesting fact: The term “dinosaur” appeared in 1842. He was introduced by biologist Richard Owen, who studied the ancient lizards. In ancient Greek, it meant "big and scary." This, according to the scientist, ideally described reptiles reaching several meters in length.
How do dinosaurs age?
When scientists study the remains of a dinosaur, they always try to establish the age of this individual, after which they determine the average life expectancy of the whole species based on existing data.
The age of the creature of that time is determined by the annual rings inside the bones. This principle is similar to determining the age of a tree in circles on a felled stump. Tree rings appear due to changes in climate and weather conditions occurring throughout the year. Therefore, counting them, you can roughly guess how long the dinosaur lived.
However, in species that lived in a constant climate, when the temperature and weather conditions did not change, there were no annual rings. To determine the age of such a dinosaur, its size is compared with the largest possible individual found.
For example, if creatures of a certain type grew up to 20 meters, and the remains of a found individual reach 10 meters, we can conclude that she lived only half of her possible life. Next, scientists establish the maximum period of life of representatives of this species, taking analyzes from the bones of large individuals. And if the maximum life span is about 60 years, then an individual 10 meters long has lived 25-35 years.
Dinosaur life span
Until now, scientists are trying to give the most accurate answer to this question. Since these creatures lived millions of years ago, even with modern equipment, one can only roughly estimate how many representatives of different species lived.
Now there is a theory that small dinosaurs, the size of which was 1-5 meters, lived on average 30 years, with most of them carnivorous. Leading an aggressive lifestyle and constantly eating meat, predatory dinosaurs in 7-8 years from the moment of birth grew to the size of an adult. Due to the rapid metabolism and high activity, their body was already old after 25 years. Accordingly, at about that time they could die of old age.
Large dinosaurs, whose growth reached several tens of meters, were most often herbivores. Such species led a measured, calm lifestyle, and lived an average of 200-300 years. The process of growth and formation lasted for several decades, and only by the age of 45-50 they became old enough to produce offspring.
Interesting fact: The largest dinosaur is considered to be a seismosaurus. Its length could reach 40 meters, and weight up to 50 tons.
There were species in which the time period of life of individuals was similar to human:
- T-Rex - 45 years old;
- Parasaurolophus - 50 years old;
- Baryonyx - 62 years old;
- Coritosaurus - 65 years old;
- Stigimoloch - 68 years old.
During the study of dinosaurs, scientists have discovered many different species having an individual lifespan.
Different types of dinosaurs had a certain lifespan. Species of small sizes, up to several meters, lived on average 30 years, the age of large dinosaurs could reach 200-300 years. There were also species living for 60-80 years. Life expectancy depended on environmental conditions and body characteristics.